Who My Clients Are
While finding great purpose in serving busy professionals and entrepreneurs our clientele tends to be high achievers who often hold multiple roles within their lives, and value competing priorities and interests. Many times, our clients have their end goals in mind, and are seeking guidance and support to bridge the gap between where they currently are and where they’d like to be.
Many of our clients are analytical thinkers who are seeking grounded data and solid processes to inform their time and energy management solutions, and measure their progress. Others are individuals who have benefited from external accountability and support to reach their goals. They’ve likely established a baseline for themselves and are looking for a coaching relationship that will take their progress to the next level.
The most important aspect of our client relationships are the productive partnerships that we build and maintain as a team. Together we create time and energy management strategies that are informed by research, as well as the client’s identity, personality and behavior patterns, ensuring that our work together is intentionally designed with the client at the center of their journey.
After just one conversation with Tamara, I felt more control over my to-do list and my time. She listened to my goals, my concerns, and my history of time management struggles without judgement. Within a week, I was crossing items off my list that I never thought I’d get done.
With every communication we’ve had, I’ve truly appreciated Tamara’s recall of what I’ve been working on and what we’ve tried so far, along with her ability to gently and insightfully reroute her approach in a way that addresses my work style and my obstacles. I’d recommend her to anyone who struggles not only with time management, but with all the anxieties that come with it. Don’t despair; Tamara can help!
Michal – Podcast Producer & Creative in New York, NY
Tamara came into my life when I needed her most. I have an abundance of passion and plans, but I struggle with discipline and execution. Tamara has provided wise guidance, meaningful feedback, resources, and accountability that are helping me harness my passion to achieve my goals – personally and professionally.
I’ve worked with other coaches who offered me cookie-cutter systems and cursory advice. Tamara’s style couldn’t be more different. She has taken the time to get to know me, and her coaching is personalized and holistic. I am always impressed by her detailed recollection of exactly what I’m working on, as well as my internal and external challenges. She coaches me as a whole person, and considers all areas of my life.
I especially appreciate her flexibility with how she supports me. We devised an optimal schedule for me, of email and phone communication that reinforces my self-discipline and helps me take full advantage of Tamara’s insight and guidance. I have made more progress with Tamara’s help than I dared to hope for, and I highly recommend Tamara as a coach.

I’m so glad I started working with Tamara. She helped me prioritize my goals and plan them into my schedule, and I’m now managing my time much better. I’m accomplishing more in a narrower time frame — leaving room for personal pursuits like fitness and hobbies. I feel like I’m now in control of my days instead of muddling through them as they slip away.
Tanya -Content Strategist in Minneapolis, MN
Working with Tamara helped me to be more conscious of how I was spending my time. As a result of the strategies we discussed, I implemented new routines that are supporting me to better manage time and energy while I work from home during COVID-19. I definitely recommend Tamara if you want to improve your work-life balance and get laser-focused on your priorities!

Tamara has supported me in getting unstuck and more focused in my professional and personal life. She has helped me identify the reasons why I procrastinate or don’t give my full self to projects. From there, she helped me identify tools to motivate myself and held me accountable to the goals I set for myself. She is also a strong active listener who supports your process of thoughts which further has unlocked understandings of procrastination. I now am empowered with tools to reflect, reset, and regain my footing to move forward. I highly recommend working with her!
Natalie Overton, Diversity and Inclusion Manager in New York, NY